TIL Render if array is not empty

— 3 minute read

TLDR Today I learned that to render a react component if an array is not empty you can do:

!!someArray.length && <Component prop={someArray} />

I have a component called Errors that I only want to render if errors state array is not empty.

function Errors({ errors }) {
return errors.map(error => (
<p className="error" key={error}>

At first I tried

function myComponent() {
const [errors, setErrors] = useState([])
// ... code ...
return (
{errors.length && <Errors errors={errors} />}

which sort of worked. I'm TDDing this so my test checking that no errors were visible passed! But then just as a sanity checked I looked at what was rendered. And I saw a random 0 right above my form!

To fix this I changed it to {errors.length > 0 && <Errors errors={errors} />}. My test still passes and the 0 is gone. But in the spirit of Red, Green, Refactor, I wanted to find something a little less verbose. After some Googling, I found (was reminded) about the double bang !! that coarces into boolean. I liked this much better and tests still pass.